Housing Ombudsman launches consultation on three year corporate plan
12 November 2018
We have launched a consultation seeking views on our three year corporate plan, 2019-22, and supporting plan for the first year.

We have launched a consultation seeking views on our three year corporate plan, 2019-22, and supporting plan for the first year.
The plans have been developed based on the themes of increased accessibility, hearing the resident voice, fast and effective redress and greater transparency that emerged from the social housing green paper and the consultation on consumer redress in the housing market.
It is focused on four new strategic objectives which are to:
- Deliver a fair and impartial service, resolving disputes at the earliest opportunity
- Promote positive change in the sector
- Provide a service that is professional, accessible and simple to use
- Ensure our service is open and transparent
The consultation document sets out an ambitious programme over the three years to fulfil the four strategic objectives. It includes an increased focus on supporting local resolution, more activities to improve complaint handling across the sector, continuing to drive down our own investigation case times together with a more transparent and accessible service.
Interim Housing Ombudsman Andrea Keenoy said: “Social housing and consumer redress have received much greater attention since our last corporate planning exercise. In our green paper response we set out our view of how an effective system of social housing redress should work and our corporate plan shows how we intend to support delivery of that.
“We are keen to hear the views of our stakeholders, including residents and landlords, to help ensure we are providing a service that is relevant and meets customer needs.”
The consultation seeks views on the priorities and activities identified under each strategic objective, plus the fee proposals across the three years to fund the ambitions set out in the plan and keep pace with external changes.
The consultation is open until Monday 10 December 2018. See our consultation page for details and a link to the online consultation.