Landlords can now complete the Complaint Handling Code Annual Submissions form. More information is available online.

Our reports

Find all the latest reports from the Housing Ombudsman. View our Spotlight reports on thematic issues, Complaint Handling Failure Orders or quarterly Insight reports.

Latest reports published

Insight report Issue 17 - July 2024

25 July 2024

Our latest insight report on data and individual cases relating to London comes as 47% of the cases determined by the Ombudsman in 2023-24 were from residents living in a London postcode.

This rate is disproportionate, given just under one in six homes in the Ombudsman’s membership is located within Greater London. No other region of England has such a wide gap between the proportion of social housing and complaints.

View the latest Insight report

Complaint Handling Failure Order (CHFO) report

18 July 2024

Our Q4 Complaint Handling Failure Order (CHFO) report has seen the percentage of non-compliance at its highest level ever recorded.

From January to March 2024, we issued 38 Complaint Handling Failure Orders, of which 18 were not complied with. On the back of this, the Ombudsman has again written to those organisations who did not comply with more than one CHFO.

View the latest CHFO report

Learning from severe maladministration – July 2024

9 July 2024

Our latest ‘learning from severe maladministration’ report, looks at landlord’s responses to leaks, and the resulting damp and mould which is a significant driver of complaints to the Ombudsman.  

Leaks can be complex to deal with and this is reflected in the casework highlighted in this report.  

View the July 2024 report

Learning from severe maladministration – May 2024

21 May 2024

We have published our second 'learning from severe maladministration report' which highlights cases involving 12 landlords.

This report focuses on knowledge and information management, marking a year since we published a Spotlight report on the theme.

This report shows how good knowledge and information management can be the foundation of a positive and effective complaint handling response and service delivery.

View the May 2024 report

Sanctuary Housing independent review report

16 May 2024

Sanctuary has undertaken a review of nearly 4,000 homes following a wider order from the Housing Ombudsman.

The order for an independent review of policy and practice was made after the Ombudsman made 2 severe maladministration findings for similar issues handling leaks, damp and mould.

Sanctuary Housing independent review report

Southern Housing special investigation report

14 May 2024

We have released our special investigation report into Southern Housing, finding a “lack of ownership within the landlord’s complaint-handling culture”. The report says the landlord’s approach during the merger did not “extend sufficiently to complaints handling and achieving a positive complaint handling culture”.

In this report, we issued determinations on 77 cases, making 184 findings with a maladministration rate of 79%. Regarding complaint handling, the maladministration rate was 92%. The report covers events occurring between October 2018 and September 2023, with 14 complaints involving events post-merger.

Southern Housing special investigation report

More reports

Spotlight reports

Our Spotlight reports concentrate on an area of service provision that we see high amount of failure in through our casework. They examine the issues within this theme and set out recommendations.

Spotlight reports (opens in a new tab)

Special investigation reports

Our special reports follow an investigation carried out under paragraph 49 of the Housing Ombudsman Scheme, which allows the Ombudsman to conduct further investigations beyond an individual complaint to establish whether any presenting evidence is indicative of a systemic failing.

Special investigation reports (opens in a new tab)

Complaint Handling Failure Order (CHFO) reports

Complaint Handling Failure Orders are issued in relation to failings in an individual case where we have taken reasonable steps to seek engagement from a landlord, but the resident remains unable to progress a complaint.

We use our orders, along with other information from cases handled, to generate insight about individual landlords. This can be used as the basis of discussions if there are continued concerns over a sustained period.

Complaint Handling Failure Order reports (opens in a new tab)

Insight reports

Our Insight reports provide insight into our complaints data, a selection of valuable case studies and key learning points and recommendations for the sector.

Their aim is to help landlords to make improvements and deliver better services for residents.

The Hosuing Ombudsman publishes Insight reports every 3 months.

Insight reports (opens in a new tab)

Learning from severe maladministration

We have produced a new report that looks at recent severe maladministration findings. The report groups together several cases, potentially involving different landlords, to examine related themes and lessons, including where vital opportunities were missed to improve outcomes for residents.

Severe maladministration reports (opens in a new tab)

Wider orders

We have gained new powers to issue wider orders under the Social Housing Regulation Act, allowing us to not only address individual complaints from a landlord, but also extend fairness and protection to wider residents.

View the independent reports (opens in a new tab)

Landlord performance data

Landlord performance data

Our 2022-23 individual landlord performance reports have been published for landlords with 5 or more cases determined between 1 April 2022 and March 2023.

Landlord performance reports (opens in a new tab)

Annual Complaints Review

Last year the Ombudsman received over 5,000 complaints that were escalated for formal investigation. Following the investigations, we made 6,590 orders and recommendations to make things right for residents.

Annual Complaints Review 22/23 (opens in a new tab)

Landlord complaint statistics

Every quarter we publish landlord statistics giving a snapshot of what we're seeing in complaints.

Landlord complaint statistics (opens in a new tab)