Housing Ombudsman launches consultation on plans for 2021-22

24 November 2020

We have published a consultation paper seeking feedback on our business plan 2021-22

House keys next to a hand holding a pn writing on a document

We have published a consultation paper seeking feedback on our business plan 2021-22. It is set within the context of the Social Housing White Paper and its strengthened role for the Ombudsman, plus the continued challenge of Covid-19 and our ongoing transformation programme.  

We have made good progress towards our overall objectives with average determination times continuing to reduce while quality and positive customer feedback have been maintained.  

The consultation focuses on two key areas that will help shape our future development. The first concerns raising resident awareness of the role of the service and redress, a key part of the White Paper. An Ombudsman led initiative planned is the creation of a new Resident Panel with 100 members to support engagement and provide feedback as our service evolves 

We will also be inviting landlords to host quarterly ‘Meet the Ombudsman’ events around the country. This will provide an opportunity for their residents to discuss the lessons identified in the latest published Insight Report with the Ombudsman and his team.  

The second key area for future development is expanding work on learning with landlords, with a comprehensive range of complaint handling information, tools and training and encouraging the sharing of best practice between members. Targeted support will be provided for landlords with particular issues, higher maladministration rates or complaint handling failure orders.  

Richard Blakeway, Housing Ombudsman, said: “This business plan comes at a particularly significant time with the Social Housing White Paper clearly setting out the critical role redress performs within housing, and is another step in the development of our service. The plan sets out the next steps to change, grow and improve our service, and invites views on some key questions which will help to shape our future development. These are focused on expanding our engagement activities, raising awareness of complaints and promoting learning to support positive change across the sector. 

The consultation is open until 5pm on Tuesday 22 December 2020. Full details on how to respond are set out in the consultation document  

More information will be published soon on the Resident Panel. Any residents wishing to express an interest in being a member of the panel can contact the service at residentpanel@housing-ombudsman.org.uk