Call for Evidence on housing maintenance now open! Respond by 25 October 2024. Submit evidence online.

Resident Panel Membership

The map and charts below provide a breakdown of the panel membership. Membership panel demographics are right at the time of the panel implementation.

Regional representation

Map showing breakdown of resident panel membership by region North East 5% North West 13% Yorkshire & The Humber 10% East Midlands 12% West Midlands 4% East of England 11% South West 8% South East 15% London 22%

Membership by type of landlord


Pie chart of resident panel membership by type of landlord Local authority 19% Housing association 78% Arm's- length management organization (ALMO)/Co-operative/Voluntary 3%

Membership by age group

(of those who provided this voluntary information)


Pie chart of resident panel membership by age groups 65+ 33% 60-64 16% 50-54 14% 55-59 11% 45-49 7% 40-44 6% 35-39 5% 30-34 4% Blank/prefer not to say 3% 16-24 & 25-29 1%

Membership by gender

(of those who provided this voluntary information)


Pie chart of gender of landlords 53% are female 45% are male 2% prefer not to say/other