Q4 Quarterly Data 22-23

In this quarter, from January to March 2023, we received 11,205 complaints and enquiries – this represents a 38% increase on the previous quarter.

Complaints received

The complaint categories graph shows that 'property condition' was once again the most complained about category, with 64% of all complaints. That compares to the second highest 'complaint handling', at just 18%.

The following two graphs show how many complaints we receive from different types of landlords and different sizes regarding the top three complaint categories (property condition, complaint handling and antisocial behaviour).

Complaint categories

Chart to show percentage of complaints by subject

Type of landlord

Graph to show the percentage of complaints that go to the local authority/ALMO or TMO vs Housing Associations.


Size of landlord

Graph to show percentage of complaint type by size band


This graph shows how we found maladministration (whether that be severe, partial, or maladministration) in 63.8% of cases in the quarter.

Percentage of determinations

Graph to show the percentage of determinations by outcome

Category findings

These graphs show how the different category findings relate to the top three complaint categories, the different types of landlords, and the different size of landlords.

Different category findings

Graph to show percentage of category outcomes

Type of landlord

Graph to show percentage of category outcomes by housing association

Size of landlord

Graph to show percentage of category outcomes by unit size

Orders and recommendations

The orders given to landlord's graph shows that in 55% of cases, we ordered landlords to pay residents compensation. And the recommendations given to landlord's graph shows that in 28% of cases, we recommended that the landlord take non-specific action (usually something that is outside a repair).

The final graph shows how many orders and recommendations we’ve made based on the top three complaint categories.

Orders given to landlords

Graph to show percentage of orders

Recommendations given to landlords

Graph to show percentage or recommendations

Orders and recommendations made against top three complaints

Graph to show number of orders vs recommendations

* All data is provisional and subject to confirmation in the final end-year figures to be published in the annual report.

Please note that this data may be subject to change. The verified data that we publish on an annual basis in our Annual Complaints Review can be found online.