Membership invoice 2024 to 2025 FAQs

Unit pricing

  • The invoice states ‘units as of 31 March 2023’, is this correct?

    We use published data from partner organisations, as well as our own datasets, to work out your housing stock and the latest available data in as of 31 March 2023.

    If you are a voluntary member, you should have received an email asking you to confirm your unit number in preparation for billing to be issued. This should have come from our membership team at

  • Why has the unit price increased to £8.03?

    The unit price has increased due to a significant and sustained increase in the number of cases brought to the Ombudsman. Accordingly, our fee has been calculated to support sustainable increases in caseworker headcount to allow us to make timely determinations on the cases we receive.

  • How are the unit numbers calculated?

    We use a Statistical Data Return (SDR) from the previous financial year to calculate the subscription fee for registered providers which includes leasehold, shared ownership and rental properties.

    For de-registered publicly funded landlords, we use the data provided by the landlord in an annual verification process.

    For local authorities, we use the Local Authority Housing Stock for the rental and shared ownership properties and ask the local authority to verify their leasehold properties. We also verify any units held outside a housing revenue account.

    For voluntary members, we use the data provided by the landlord in an annual verification process.

