Virtual workshop attitudes, respect and rights for landlord leaders
This 2.5 hour virtual workshop is an opportunity for landlord leaders to discuss the Spotlight on attitudes, respect and rights report released in January 2024, and the associated recommendations.
At the end of this session, you will be able to:
- recall what a Spotlight report is
- discuss how the recommendations are being implemented in your organisation
- identify what attitudes, rights and respect lessons can be taken from a case study
Invest in your your Continuing Professional Development (CPD), this virtual workshop has been allocated learning hours.
To register for a virtual workshop, you will need to first complete the Centre for Learning Spotlight report on attitudes, respect and rights eLearning.
You can book your place on this webinar via the Learning Hub.
Other dates available: Virtual workshop attitudes, respect and rights for case handlers
Accessing the new Learning Hub for the first time?
All landlords will be required to create a new account in the new Learning Hub to access the free webinars.
How to create a new account
- simply use the link below and you will be directed to the login page of the new Learning Hub
- scroll down and select the ‘create a new account’ button
- fill in the online form with your details
- select ‘create my new account’ to finish