Interactive Portal for landlords
Our new interactive Portal allows landlords to upload information and evidence for cases in a digitally convenient and secure way.
The Housing Ombudsman Service is inviting landlords to use our online interactive Portal (the Portal). We’ve designed the Portal to allow landlords to upload information and evidence, in a digitally convenient and secure way. Landlords can also view the status of cases that our service is assessing, and it streamlines how users communicate with us.
The Portal allows users to submit documentary evidence during the lifetime of a complaint and aims to provide easy access to updates, reducing the need to use other contact routes like phone and email.
Following a period of user testing with a selection of representatives from landlords and our Resident Panel, we’re continuing our rollout which began earlier this year. We’d like to take this opportunity to thank the landlords in our trial group that used the Portal and provided their valuable feedback. We’ve used this to develop a system that will ultimately make interactions with our Service more transparent, efficient, and accessible.
If you would like more information, we have created demonstration videos and guidance materials, which you can find on this page.
We’re contacting landlords individually with an invitation, when it’s their turn to join. Please share this information with your teams and ask them to look out for our onboarding email communications.
Watch our introduction video for more details