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Annual Landlord Survey 2021-22

The results of our annual survey of landlords are set out below.

Q1. Where do you report learning from complaints in your organisation?

Graph shows that most landlords report learning from complaints to the board or equivalent, then the executive/senior leadership team, then department level, annual tenant report, then the website, newsletter, annual report and accounts, finally other.

Q2. How often do you report the learning from complaints?

Pie chart shows 52% report quarterly, 27% monthly, 21% annually.

Q3. Do you share the learning from complaints with all of your residents?

Pie chart shows 60% said yes and 40% said no.

Q4. How do you inform residents about the Housing Ombudsman Service?

Graph shows that the majority of landlords inform residents about HOS through wider communications with all residents, then at the end of the complaints process, then at the start of the complaints process (stage one), finally during the complaints process (stage two).

Q5. Have you involved residents in your self-assessment process?

Pie chart shows 59% said no and 41% said yes.

Q6. Have you changed your complaint policy and/or procedure following the self-assessment?

Pie chart shows 66% said yes and 34% said no.

Q7. Have you trained staff following the self-assessment?

Pie charts shows 67% said yes and 33% said no.

Q8. Which groups of staff have you trained?

Graph shows the teams that were trained tsarting with the majority training other operational teams, then the complaints team, repairs team and finally contractors/third parties.

Q9. Have members of the complaints team in your organisation been asked to meet with the board during the last year to discuss its work?

Pie chart shows 55% said no and 45% said yes.

Q10. Do you gather equality monitoring data on residents who access your complaints process?

Pie chart shows 66% said no and 34% said yes.